COntent Mediator architecture for content-aware nETworks (COMET)

Welcome to the official homepage of the EU ICT COntent Mediator architecture for content-aware nETworks (COMET) project. COMET is a 3-year long project started at 1st of January 2010 under the Seventh Framework Programme Theme (ICT-2009.1.5) Networked Media and 3D Internet. 


The high-level objective of this project is to define a novel content-oriented architecture that will radically simplify content access and will support content distribution in a content and network-aware fashion. The proposed architecture could be deployed over the current Internet, over evolutionary Internet developments that favour differentiated content delivery or over revolutionary Future Internet architectures that put optimised content access and delivery at centre stage.











COMET is an ICT project funded by the European Commision under the EU Framework Programme 7 (FP7).