COMET-PURSUIT Workshop 2012
Information-Centric Networking (ICN): Open issues, Challenges and Ways Forward
30th-31st October 2012, London, UK
Day 1, 30 October 2012
09.30 Arrival and General Introduction
10.00 Session 1: ICN: Real-world issues and deployment
Is ICN going to make it to deployment?, Spiros Spirou (Intracom Telecom)[Download]
Highly interactive and personalised content production and delivery, Stuart Porter (CTVC)[Download]
Edge-to-core or core-to-edge: which way to get ICN into the real world?, Dirk Trossen (Cambridge University)[Download]
Discussion: which hard problems need to be solved to get ICN out there?
11.15 Coffee Break
11.45 Session 2: Resource Management
Resilience and robustness in ICN communications, Ning Wang (University of Surrey)[Download]
12.15 Lunch
13.30 Session 2: Resource Management (Cont'd)
Caching and congestion control in ICNs, Ioannis Psaras (University College London)[Download(part1)][Download(part2)]
Opportunities for resource management through network coding, George Parisis (Cambridge University)[Download]
Multi-layer resource management in ICN, Martin Reed (Essex University)[Download]
Information Diffusion: Influential Neighbours Selection in Online Social Networks, Eiko Yoneki (Cambridge University)[Download]
15.30 Coffee Break
16.00 Demo Session
COMET Demo, Telefonica, Spain
Ontological middleware and SDN (Story Delivery Network) demo, (Cambridge University and CTVC)[Download]
Information Resilience demo, Essex University
17.30 End of First Day
Day 2, 31 October 2012
09.00 Arrival and Coffee
09.15 Session 3: Mobility
Mobility in ICN - the PURSUIT approach, George Xylomenos (AUEB)[Download]
Caching support for mobility in ICNs, Paris Flegkas (CERTH)[Download]
Mobility support in Information-Centric Networks: research directions and challenges, Gareth Tyson (QMUL)[Download]
Mobile- or network-initiated mobility - which way to go? An analysis, Dirk Trossen (Cambridge University)[Download]
11.15 Coffee Break
11.30 Session 4: Open Issues and Ways Forward
Open discussion on possible issues that need addressing, in particular when moving forward to real-world deployment
Possible approaches moving forward, e.g., funding ideas, collaboration ideas in general
12.30 Lunch
13.30 End of Workshop
COMET is an ICT project funded by the European Commision under the EU Framework Programme 7 (FP7).